Sunday, February 12


This is my cat Fifi on her bed and I took this picture during sunset. I like how there is one section of my cat with light and then another section with shadows. You can see a lot of detail in her fur even in the darker, shadowy part. One thing I would do to make the picture better is move the camera a little because then her paw wouldn't look so disporportionate to her body.


Elizabeth Austin said...

This picture is taken at very good timing, you can imagine her paw moving. She looks tired but her arm looks like it is very active. Even though you like that half of her body is lit and the other half is darker I think it might have been better if it was all the same lighting, but other than that its really good.

Emelia said...

I love the depth of field and the detail in this photo! Like Liz said, you took this photo at very good timing and the lighting from the sun also highlights parts of the cat's fur. I like how the photo flows from one side to the other. The background is a little distracting but the colors are neutral so they don't stand out too much, great photo!