Sunday, February 12


I took this photo while I was on the nature club trip to some nature reserve somewhere. I was still all excited about microphotography from the macromarian project, so I took this closeup of a burr of some sort. this was taken at outdoors in midday with no flash, on the macro setting.


Jimin Chun said...

I like this picture because there are great shadow and good light of the main subject. However if the one thing I should change this photo, it will be do not leave the negative space. Because there are too much empty space.

Yulu Liu said...

I think it is a good picture for microphotography. It has good light around the area.

Clara said...

This photo has really good lighting and I think the subject is very interesting but for me I think it would've been better if you had actually gotten closer and taken it so close that you couldn't really tell what it was but just focus on the details