Sunday, October 21

Dilbarian_ door

     I took this picture mid-day with direct sunlight and no flash.  i really like this picture because it is strange.  it is a door about 15 feet up on the side of a building going to nowhere.  i also like how the door looks really old and worn and kinda mysterious


MorganMacDougall said...

I like this photo because it is interesting to look at. I like how the door almost seems to be floating. Also, the rust on the door makes it appear as though there is texture. The white of the door makes it look bold against the grey wall. Also, the angle it was taken at makes it much more interesting than if it had been taken straight on.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I completely agree that this is an interesting subject. I like how the wall and the door contrast in both colors and the shapes apparent within their areas; the cool colored, rectangular shaped cinderblocks contrast with the warmer toned door patterned with undefined shapes in the streaks of rust. I think the photo would have been more mysterious if more empty wall was exposed around the top and the bottom of the door, emphasizing that it led to nowhere. You said that it was about 15 feet off the ground, but you wouldn't know that from the photo. I also think the lighting was a little dull and grey.