Sunday, October 21

Yale Peabody Museum

I took this picture when I visited "Yale Peabody Museum." Overall, I like this picture except some failures: I don't like the darkness on the both doors compare to its outside. I see too much difference of  brightness between the sky and the doors. The building seems to be tilted on left side (from viewing right-hand side).


Unknown said...

this is a realy cool pic i love the angal, the light and the bilding.

Unknown said...

I like this photograph because the architecture is really unique and a bit gothic. I like how the sky is shown at the top, it switches up the darker atmosphere in the bottom of the photo. I have mixed feelings about the shadows but they add a lot of character to this building and photograph.

Amanda Garner said...

This picture is interesting. It uses some interesting shadows. The points on the steeples add dramatic shadows on the background points of the building. It is also an interesting view point of the building. All around I like the photo.