Sunday, May 12


I took this photo in my backyard, right after my dad finished mowing the grass. I took this as one of my nature picture but when i showed my dad, he said it wasn't nature. So i wanted to see what you guys thought about it. If it is anture or not. I also like how the grass circles around the stone and how focused the picture is. The only distracton there is how blurry most of the grass looks.


alisonkcondon said...

I think this is a nice photo because of how the rocks are arranged in the grass. One thing I don't love about the picture, is that it is a little empty. There is not much going on or much to look at.

Anonymous said...

I like how the rocks bend the grass. I think it would be more interesting if there was a bit more color in the photo.

Unknown said...

Thank you Alison and Lydia. The photo does look empty becuase of there is not much stones in the picture and the photo does look a bit out of color because that day i took this photo was cloudy and without much sun. But i also liked how the rocks are arranged too.