Sunday, November 24


I took this image with my Nikon. I like how the first flower is very clear. You can see all the colors in the first flower. You can see the lines of the pedals in the first flower and how they go around the flower. I like the back of the photo. I think the white really blends in with the photo, but not to much so it does not take your eye away from the flowers. I don't like however the brown color in front of the second flower.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I really like this photo. It has a lot of great quality to this photo. There's lots of great colors in this photo. I like it how the background is all blurred except for the flower which really gives the flower the full attention to the viewer which makes this photo really good. Nothing is distracting in this photo at all. There's nothing I have to critique about this photo. Great job, keep up the good work.