Sunday, November 24


I took this photo when I was in Quebec City during Veteran's Day Weekend this photo was taken of the Chàteau Frontenac which is one of the most expensive hotels in Quebec City. I like this photo and the way I took it was amazing that I had posted both the original version and an edited version. The second version I had edited on a photo editing app on the MacBook Pro called iPhoto, what I did was I brightened it then I used the sepia effect as well as the effect called antique which I used to make it look like it was an antique photograph taken back in the late 1800's which gives it a very interesting look to the photo and for the viewer. The whole photo is almost all in complete focus except for the sides and corners of the photo. The only two things if I were to have changed before I took this photo would have been to wait for the person walking in the distance to leave sight of the photo and the second would have been to have waited to take the photo until after the car had driven past me. The roof of a black car can be seen in the bottom left hand corner which eliminates the photo's focus from the Chàteau Frontenac. Other than that I found this photo one of the most interesting shots that I took when I was in Quebec City, I will be posting some more photos from the Canada trip during the next few posts.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey teddy! I really like both of these photos! if i were to choose one over the other i would have to chose the bottom. I would choose this one over the top one becasue it looks much cooler and kind of medieval even with the filter on it. It reminds me of a haunted house or something but overall i really like this photo!