Sunday, January 19


I chose this photo for my chronological post because I think it was the best photo out of the many photos in this chronological photo assignment. I like the lighting to this photo, the variety of colors in this photo, the different shades of blues, yellow, and red. I like this photo because of the contrast from the trees which are darkened. I also like how this photo is almost in perfect focus, I like the setting with the sun almost setting over the trees because it makes this photo look interesting. I also like how some of the trees are in a silhouetted effect. I think the sunset sky makes this photo look artistic to the viewer. I wish I could change the position just a little bit to the right so I would make the photo look more interesting to look at. I took this photo in my backyard at 4 pm not too long ago. I took this photo without the flash, using auto focus settings, macro, auto white balance, auto ISO adjustments, and with natural light.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really like this photo!! I love all the colors throughout this photo. I like the oranges peeking through the pine trees and the way the snow looks. It almost looks like it could be used as a screen saver on a computer or something. I know i might use it as one! The composition and overall feel and angle is the best part about the picture. Overall great effort and creativity. Nice job!!