Monday, January 20


I chose this photo from my chronological photo assignment. I like it how in this photo the banana is changing from yellow to brown. This was one of the last few photos that I took of the banana but I chose this one because of the different colors of the banana the yellows, and browns. Overall the focus on the photo was great the banana was in focus except for the end closest to the camera which is blurred. The only thing I would have changed would have been the angle that I took the photo, the chair in the left corner, and the white placemat on the right side on the top can be a little bit distracting. Overall I think it was a pretty good photo that I chose from my chronological photo options.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like this photo for two reasons, 1. I really like how the brown on the banana takes up the whole focus of the fruit. And 2. I like the light coming from the top right of the photo. I think the sticker adds character to the banana, It also looks like the person who ever ate the banana just threw it down on the table when walking by. One thing I think you could have changed was the angle when you took the photo. The top left, it looks like there is a chair pole in the photo. It does not bother me at all and I think you did a great job taking this photo.