Sunday, January 12


I took this photo with my camera, without flash and using the macro setting. I really liked this photo of this palm tree because of the depth of field. I like how only part of the tree is in focus and the rest of the tree is generally out of focus. I also liked how bright blue the sky was. The sky was very clear that day, which made for a really great photo.


Unknown said...

I really like this photo. I like the angle of where you took the photo, I think it really gives the photo a very interesting look to it. I like it how the bottom part of the tree is in focus whereas the rest of the tree isn't in focus it really looks like a professional photography quality photo. I like the shades of light on the palm tree and the light blue color of the sky when you took this photo.It really makes this photo awesome. I have nothing to critique about this photo and all around fantastic photo. Really nice job.

Unknown said...

I really like this photo for its depth of field as well. the bark is in such clear focus. i like the perspective of the photo as well. lastly, I really like the cools in this photo