Sunday, March 2


I took this photo in Newbury Street in Saturday afternoon (about 3 or 4 o'clock). I like this photo because the sky was still bright so that we could see the sunlight, and there were some clouds. When I took this photo, I held my carema upwards so the church looked bigger, and also the whole photo looked darker.


cristian correia said...

I really like this picture because of the angle it was taken at and the way the sun reflects off the top of the church and sky.

Unknown said...

I really like this picture because it is taken at a very creative angle. I like how the sun is very bright, but the picture still isn't over exposed. In the left corner the side of the building is a little over exposed but I think it adds a very interesting effect so I wouldn't change anything

Unknown said...

I really like this photo.The sky is so beautiful. And the angle that you taken and the sun behind the object which make the photo look more comfortable.this is a pretty good photo i think.