Monday, May 26

Parker_Paired project

I took this picture at Nauset beach. I like how there's nothing obstructing my view of the water. Also how the blue water and sky contrast with the green trees. As well how the light is angled in the picture.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really like this photo! I think the set up for your photo was really fantastic. You have a lot of detail in focus which really makes it a great photo, there's a lot of great colors in this photo and a lot of different varieties of light in the photo some parts are really bright some are not and some are dark, which really makes it an interesting photo. The only thing I would have changed would have been to not have the person in black in the distance in your photo in the right hand corner it does make a little distraction to the viewer of the photo. Other than that you did an awesome job with taking this photo, great job and fantastic quality for this photo!