Sunday, December 9

It was tough choosing these three as my favorite portraits but with the help of others and several opinions I was able to narrow my choices down. For the portrait of one, I chose this picture because the picture is crisp and all of the focus is on her. There is nothing in the background middle or foreground except for the baby doll to distract the viewer. Also there is no red eye in the picture or horrible glare. I chose the second picture for my best portrait of two because the overall mood is subtle even though there is a more harsh glare reflecting of his face. The background is not distracting and I believe the three-quarter shot gives the picture more depth. For my portrait of three or more, I do not like how the jeans and some areas of their faces appear to be washed out and the distracting object behind them, but I do like the depth of field and I agree with Mr. Barry that the symmetry of the seat belts adds to the picture.

1 comment:

MrB said...

Vanessa - these are nice images - try to modify your lighting - use of flash exclusively limits the'look' and 'feel' of your photos and push them more towards the snapshot realm. Timely post of pretty people - think outside the 'box' more.