Pic2.]I chose this one because i liked the fun feeling.
Pic3.] I chose this one because none of them were posing which gave it more of a natural feel.
Welcome to the Marian High School Photography Class photoblog. It is here where we are able to share images, ideas and well-intentioned critiques. Post when asked, post when able, post when inspired. Always have your camera on and your mind open! Keep smiling! Don't borrow/copy images without asking first - Thanks!
i like THE natural light in your 1 person picture i cant really say ANY thing bad about your 1 person you3 person is kinda boring and plain and your 2 perason is awsome i like the black and white and the angle.
i really like the one person portrait, especially the angle, and the lighting. the angle adds alot of intrest.
Keith the angles and perspectives of all three images is quite good - any idea why the second is so small?
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