Sunday, October 11

favorite things.

both of these photos each represents one of my favorite things: sleeping and tea. artificial light was used for the tea photo and natural light was used for the sleeping photo.


Kat Finnegan said...

I really like both of these pictures, and shadows in both of them. The sheet or whatever is under the cup in the tea photo gives the picture great depth and texture. I think it would have been a better photo if you had gotten the top of the cup, but othere than that, it is a great photo.

SammiLu said...

I love the picture of the tea especially. I like the different natural colors, and the highlights in th tea.

HavenP said...

I absolutly love both of these photos. The top one has great lighting and composition. The color of the tea in the bottom one is great, and I really like the angle and how the cup bleeds off the side. Great Job!