Monday, December 19


This is a photo of my sister jumping in the air. I like the way the colors of her clothes contrast from the background. I also think that the focus is very sharp. This was taken outdoors with natural light on the "action" setting.

Sunday, December 18


This is a photo of action. I took this well I was at the Bruins game last Tuesday. I chose this photo because almost everything seems to be in focus and there is good light. I decided to use this photo rather than one of the player photos because they did not come out good.


This picture is of a belly dancer in action. I took this picture while she was spinning to try to capture the motion of the dancing. I chose this picture because I thought it was interesting, I just think the black thing in the corner is distracting. It was taken indoors with no flash.


This is a picture of a fake christmas tree that had LED lights at the tips of the pine needles. It had rainbow colors and it looked really cool when I took a photo on a slow shutter speed while moving the camera. This picture is taken with no flash and the lights turned off in the room.

Austin_still life

This is a picture of the same flower from a different angle that shows the surrounding flowers. The image still looks soft. The flower is less the center of focus.


i took this picture during the thanksgiving game. we lost at that game and the big guy on the side and the kid behind's face look like something happend in the game and Mr. Foscaldo looks sad and nervous. info: NIKON D90 [70-300mm F4.5-F5.6] F5.3 1/1000s ISO 200

Austin_still life

This is a photo of a flower taken indoors without flash. I like the soft colors and the softness of the image as a whole.

Warzewska_still life

I took this photo before the sun rose on a windy day. I like how the moving clouds add flow to the photo, which was originally still. I think the trees in the back a little bit distracting though. The photo was taken at 1/30 shutter speed, natural lighting.


I chose this photo to be one of my action photos because the motion of the second hand was captured in the picture displaying the tick of the clock. I took this photo in Mr. Petersons' classroom. If I could change one thing it would be realigning my camera in a way that would make it so you couldn't see the reflection of the ceiling tiles in the clock.


I took this picture at the marian hockey game. Its not the sharpest picture but I like how the wall behind him and the glass kind of frame him. This was taken with out flash on the action setting.


I took this picture while my sister and I were wrapping Christmas presents. I hope you like it, because I accidentally deleted every other photo I've taken for the last four months while I was posting it! (don't worry, I have backups of all the projects.) This was taken with no flash or zoom, and with only one light source.


This is a photo of Adria squeezing a bottle with water inside of it. I think the picture has good flow and I like the contrasting colors of the brown towel and the blue bottle. It was really hard to get the bottle in focus while she was squeezing the bottle but I think this was one of the better ones. Taken with a Canon Rebel XS, natural light, no flash.


This is a photo I took on the long exposure setting on Adria's camera of my Christmas tree. I like how all the spirals are the same shape yet they are all different colors and sizes. The action part of this photo is that I had to "swirl" the camera while I took it to get the spirls. Taken on a Canon Rebal XS, exposure 1"6, F22


the color of this picture is great, the angle i took this picture is different than usual. it also has some motion in this picture, i really like it.


I took this photo at dinner. I though it would fit well for event because in the picture everyone is so busy and nobody is really focused on the camera. I didnt use flash i just used the lighting that was in the room

Friday, December 16

Yulu _still life

This photo was taken in a sunny day near my house. I think the cloud is especially beautiful to look at from this angle. It shows a very quiet and peaceful scene.

Thursday, December 15


This is a photo of a group's hockey ball game. I think it is a good point of view to watch the game.

Wednesday, December 14

Chen_ still life

i took this picture in New York last week. i think it is a interesting picture, a dove stand on a hawk sculpture. Info: NIKON D90 [70-300mm F4.5-5.6] F5.0 1/400s ISO400. I think the iso shoud be lower because i get enough light in this picture but the quility of this picture looks fine.

Monday, December 12

McGarry_Still life

This is a photo I took of the street sign in my neighborhood. I like that the dead end actually leads to a green tree. this was taken in mid-late afternoon with no flash.


I took this photo during my town's annual Christmas Parade. I like how Santa's face is washed out by an almost "halo" of sun. If I could change something, I would get rid of the tree in the middle background as well as the windows.

Delmoral_Still Life

This is my still life picture. I took this picture because when I was getting out of my car, the first thing I looked at was a tree. I tried to think of interesting ways of shooting this tree and this is the pcitureI liked the most.

Sunday, December 11


this is one of the portraits i took. i think the lighting from the sun shows the clear outline of her, which i think is really good

Reitter_ Miscellaneous

This is a photo I took earlier today. It is a photo of what I believe to be are termites. I was working on building my backyard hockey rink, when one of the boards I picked up was covered in these. I think the photo has a nice "look" to it, although it may not be the most pleasing.


This is a photo of a girl's soccer game. I like the light and the composition of the photo.


I took this picture this Thursday about 3 o'clock. I think the squirrel is pretty cute and it is looking at me so I decide to post it.


This picture shows a photographer in the street. It was taken without flash. I like this one because It was very feeling.

Butay_Still Life

This is a photo of a wall that was painted with graffiti. I like how there are different variations of colors in the wall and the oranges and browns that are in the leaves. Also I like how there's almost a line made to split the colors on the left side with the grays and white on the right side. It was taken outside without flash.

Bache_Still life

This Photo is an inside of my Christmas tree. It was taken with no flash and you can see a few of the Christmas lights and ornaments in the background of the tree, since it was taken from the inside looking out.


I took this picture of an outdoor light in my backyard. I like the flow of the picture from left to the right and how it goes from dark to light. I also like the sharpness of the glass bulb. This was taken on the macro setting no flash.

Chan_Still Life

This is one of the ornaments on my family's Christmas tree. I like this because of the colors. I also like how some of the objects around the tree can be seen in the reflection of the bell. If I could change something, I would have moved the red ornament in the top left corner. I would have also liked the focus to be sharper. This was taken indoors with flash.

Barbieri_Still Life

I took this photo of the Christmas lights outside of Ms. Duffys door. I like how the lights are reflected onto the wall. If I could change something I would've moved the piece of dust on the green light because it is distracting. This was taken indoors without flash.

JackEgizi_still life

I took this photo at sunset. I didn't use flash because I felt that it was light enough outside to take this photo and it was. I took this on the Sudbury Resivoir trail that is across the street from my house. I really like how still the water is so you can see the reflection of the power lines and poles

Monday, December 5

Yulu_ Boston

I took this photo in Boston for a few days ago. I really love this photo because the sun was so shining and the surrounding is really nice.


I took this picture two weeks ago when i was walking down through the Ashland by myself. i was useing a wide angle lens with a polarizer in front of it. the main color in this picture is blue, so makes it looks very peaceful. the only thing i do not like in this picture is the branches on the left. i tried to make it out of the picture but i can not find a better place to put my camera stand. info: NIKON D90 [10-20mm F4-F5.6] F8.0 1/80s ISO200 -0.7EV.


this is a photo I took while my family was setting up and decorating our Christmas tree. I put on the ornament before anything else had been set up. this was taken at midday indoors with no flash but plenty of light pointed at the figure.

Sunday, December 4


i really like the effect that all flowers are parked together, which fills this photo with the feeling of beauties.


I took this picture about a week ago in Framingham. I post this picture because I think the color of this picture is pretty good.


I took this photo at the river next to my house. I didnt use flash when i took it and i was trying to get a nice reflection of the trees on the water. I thought the angle i took it at was good. I thought it gave the photo good flow


I used this photo because I thought it was interesting that the houses' reflection was in the puddle across the street.


I took this picture by facing two mirrors towards each other. I like how the images reflect off of the mirrors creating a "never ending" effect. If i could change something, I would wipe the smudge off of the middle mirror. I would also move more to the left so that the space on the right is taken up by the mirror. This was taken at night without flash


This is a picture I took on the way to Canada. I was in the bus and took it from the window without flash. I really like how even though it is kind of dark outside due to the the clouds, the two signs in the middle are still very bright and clear. If I could retake this, I would move the camera up to avoid shooting the smaller, yellow sign.

Warzewska_ A Photo Within a Photo

I took this photo while my partners and I were working on our portrait project. Even though the hand in the middle is distracting, I like how it is in focus and draws attention to the camera. I also like how the reflection in the mirror is not in focus because it adds to the depth of field. If I could change something, I would change the angle of my camera to get less of the hand. I would also move the camera strap on the bottom right.

Flames_ Jules

I took this picture in a church in Canada. I like the flow of the picture of the candles. I like how the flames highlight each jar differently and I like how each jar has it own different shades of green. This was taken on macro setting no clash.

Monday, November 28

I went to mount monadnock again over the break, and got thos picture. the wind had blown frozen sheets of ice over the rocks near the top, and it madfe a very striking image. this was taken in mid-late afternoon with no flash on top of a mountain.

Sunday, November 27


This is a photo taken in my room. It's a picture of my mirror with my window in the background. Because the drapes were closed it added more color from the sunlight. This was taken with no flash.


I took this picture few weeks ago around one of my friends' house. It is a beautiful sunny day, and I saw the butterfly and took this picture.


I like this picture because of the angle. It gives contrast to the different whites while puttine all of the flower in focus.


I took this picture of a really cool long fish tank that was part of a floor in a resturant I went to in Canada. I think the reflection of the lights look cool on the glass. The thing I don't like is the dirty circles on the glass.

chen_running water 2

i took this picture also in Ashland. it is the same idea with the first one. i like the color in this picture, everything is describing the winter. info: NIKON D90 [10-20mm F4-F5.6] F22.0 1/2s ISO250


I took this photo a while ago while i was laying on the floor. I like that the bluriness gives it good movement. I also like that the fan is not perfectly in the middle and is cropped off in the corner on the photo.
This was taken indoors without flash.