Sunday, May 20

Rabinowitz_Kitchen Window

This is a photo I took of a rhodendron flower on my kitchen window.  I like how the flowers are in bloom outside the window as well.  I took this with no flash just using natural sunlight.  I think there is good coloring and sharpness to this photo.


Tianli Wang said...

Overall I think this is a good picute. The color of the picture pretty, and the lighting add the quality of the picture. I think theis picture could be better if you highlight the subject.

Clara said...

I think the colors in this are very vibrant and that's good. I like how the window and street are in the background however its a little distracting with the rest of the stuff around the flower.

ben rabinowitz said...

I agree with you both that I should have focused more on the flower and removed some of the other objects in the photo.