Monday, May 21


This is a photo I took while I was at the Relay for Life.  This is a photo of the opening lap.  All of the people in purple are people who have, or have survived cancer.  I like this photo because of the movement in it and the focus.  What I would change would be to take out all of the empty space on the bottom and left side, also to take away the table and containers.


james mcgarry said...

This is a very cool photo! i like the sense of flow and the color contrast between the strong purples and reds. I think there might be a bit too much empty space on the bottom left, but nothing too bad. I would definitely cut out the table with the speakers on the left, though.

Clara said...

I like how colorful this picture is however I think there is too much negative space where the track is. I like the flow of this picture because it really shows the shape of the track and stuff