Saturday, October 13

Garner_Senior Pictures

I took this picture this today. I was taking Morgan's back up senior pictures. This was taken at the Grist Mill in Sudbury. Though it was sunny out, it was taking in the shade with the flash covered by my hand. I used the portrait setting on my camera. She was leaning against an old wooden barn which gave the picture texture. I focused on her nose to put her entire face in focus and blur the background. 

1 comment:

MorganMacDougall said...

I like this picture mostly because of the contrast between the textures of the weathered wood on the barn and the unfocused, colorful background. But the main thing I would change would have been if you had moved that pink strand of hair so it wouldn't show because against my dark hair and my black jacket, its the first thing my eye goes to and it distracts from my face. But overall I really like everything else about this photo.