Sunday, October 7

Palencia_Fire Hydrant

I took this photo in the late afternoon when I went to Bj's with my mom. I like how the red stands out from the dead grass, and the chipping of the paint on the hydrant compliments the rugged look of the photo. I like the angle it was taken in. I think its more athsteticlly pleasing how the fire hydrant is not in the center of the photo. If I could change anything i
would try to focus more on the red fire hydrant and possibly the words engraved on it.

1 comment:

Amanda Garner said...

I like this photo. The reason I like it is because the red of the fire hydrant stands out in comparison the the lightness in the ground. It was an interesting perspective to angle the fire hydrant to the left of the photo. Looking down on the fire hydrant gives it depth in comparison to the ground.