Monday, October 8

Dilbarian_pink poms

        I took this picture on Saturday afternoon at the Marian Football Game.  It was an overcast day and windy.  I like this picture because it has alot of depth and I love how the pink pom poms really stand out against the green grass and the red track.


Unknown said...

sarah this is realy pritty, i love the way he pink and red contrast

Millie Bache said...

This is a very good photo. It has a very wide depth of field. I like how the second white line is in crisp focus because it draws your attention to the main focus; the pink pom pom. The bright pink color and unique, busy texture really causes the pom pom to stand out. I also like how the pom pom is not in the center of the photo causing it to follow the rule of thirds. The only thing I would change to make for a better photo would be to crop out the football players in the background, because they take away from the main focus and are a it distracting.

Flavia said...

I like how there are football players in the background that are blurred out and the picture focuses on the pink pom pom.