Friday, October 4


I took this photo without flash, while shooting in class for the light project. I really like the bright colors of the flowers that really pop. I also like the depth of field. The flower in the front is in really good focus and the rest of the photo is mainly out of focus. I think that the light reflects well off the flowers also, which makes the photo more interesting.


Unknown said...

meg i really like this photograph of this flower. I love how it focuses on that one single flower and slightly blurs some of the others but still see more in the background.

Unknown said...

I really like this photo for several reasons. I like the depth of field. the flower is in great focus and the depth seems to be really short. I also love the angle of the shot and how it included the flowers in the back. Lastly i love the colors and how the flower has what looks like direct sunlight. I overall really like your picture.

cristian correia said...

I really like this photo because you get a good feel of depth. I like how the flower is in focus and the rest of the photo is blurred. This is a very good picture.