Tuesday, March 11

Alex_ wild bush

This is my makeup post for the week of February 9th. I decided to choose this photo for my miscellaneous post because I think this was one out many really nice nature still life photo because it really has a great variety of different colors, lighting, and focus. I really like how the plant was the only thing in total focus and the other plants in the background are out of focus because it makes this photo look really interesting. I also like how the plant is surrounded in bright sunlight because it creates a really nice artistic effect to this photo. I think with the overexposed spots on this flower it makes the photo's color stand out better. I think the contrast to this photo between the darker green plants which are out of focus and the lighter green stems have an interesting composition to the viewer. I also like the  depth to this photo which makes this photo have a good range. I lastly like the macro effect to this photo because it makes the plant look much more interesting and artistic to look at. I took this photo outside without flash, using the macro setting, auto white balance setting, auto iso settings, natural lighting, auto focus, and using a soft snap focus setting on my camera. I wish some of the lower petals were in better focus because I think it would make this photo look brighter, and with better range.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This photo is really pretty. I love all the colors, the green and the white contrast very well with each other. I also like the focusing, since the background is blurred and it is focused just on the plant.