Thursday, May 1


I took this portrait of Cristian. The background is white so it makes the photo look more simple. I like that theres not many distractions in it. If I could change one thing about it I would have him pose a little different.


riley warr said...

This is a really cool portrait. I really like the shadows and the lighting overall. It makes the photo look intense. Also, I like that it was taken at a bit of a distance and that Cristian is in the center. Great job!

cristian correia said...

Hahaha the main reason i like this photo is because its of me. But looking at this photo I really like how the background looks like it was taken at some photo shoot. the one thing I would change would be the color of background. You can see a lot of marks and it takes away from the main focus of the photo. If it was all bright white with no marks it would make the person stand out more.