Sunday, December 9

Portraits 1 2 3

I chose these three portraits because of the difference in the color schemes. In the first one, I like how the tones of the chair are a good background with the dog . In the second portrait, I like how even though the colors of the clothing are different that the colors of the chair and wallpaper, they go together. In the third portrait, I think that the masks have bright colors.


Meg Staff said...

Hey Sean, Great job on the project. I like how the the background in the first picure seems to blend in with the dog's hair. I love the feel to your second picture though the background is a bit distracting. Your third picture made me laugh remembering dramma, unfortanutely, it's very shakey. Perhaps take more than one picture next time.

MrB said...

Agreeing with Meg - the Dor-portrait is best of three - lack of color variation leads to little distraction for main image. LIGHT is the key to PHOTOgraphy - Better control of light will yield you better quality images Sean!