Monday, April 23


This is an image of a few old gravestones from my town. They are really weathered and sunken into the ground, but they are still interesting to read and photograph. I like the different shades of stone and the fading words. They make each gravestone unique. Taken outdoors, without flash.


Emelia said...

I like the angle of this photo and the placement of the grave stones. The photo itself is a little blurry and the background is a little distracting with the buildings. I might have gotten closer to the grave stones, but otherwise it's an interesting photo!

Jules said...

This photo has great depth of field and the different shades of the graves stones make it more interesting. I might have tried to take some at different angles but its still a great photo!

Elizabeth Austin said...

I agree. The background is a bit blurry but the gravestones attract the main focus so its not so noticeable.

Trevor H. said...

I took some pictures of some grave stones before and I can see how it is better to take a photo of multiple ones with it being a little bit more darker out. I know it sounds cliche but just with it being the cemetary the image that they have portrayed in the past makes photos of them seem dark. Of course this photo doesn't seem to be about that. I guess with the grave stones in focus would make a better photo and like you said, the focus on the grave stone do draw attention away from the street but it would be nice to remove it altogether.

Jimin Chun said...

I like the lighting of stone and it shows that the sun comes down. but I think it doesn't have any detail of the main subject