Sunday, April 22

Rabinowitz_Cape Cod

The first photo I had taken is of an Atlantic Sea Robin that was at the Woods Hole Science Aquarium. It took several shots for me to get this picture because the flash reflected off the tank and caused a glare.  I thought this fish was interesting looking and the tank had alot of detail.

 I added this second photo because I missed last weeks posting.  I took this photo at a park in downtown Falmouth.  I like the coloring of the flowers on the tree against the bright blue sky and the green grass in this photo. I didn't have to use a flash, just sunlight. 


Jules said...

Both of these photos have awesome color. I like the flow of the first picture and it also has great focus and depth of field. The second photo I really like. I like the vibrant colors and how the tree separates the sky and the green grass. All the colors are complementary which add to the photo too!

Clara said...

I like the colors a lot in the pictures. They are very vibrant and striking. I like the fish one because it is a little confusing at first because the fish blends in so well! I like the second one because it has really good flow and all the colors are sort of separated. Something I would change is to crop a little of the sky out of the tree one to bring more focus to the tree.

Trevor H. said...

The photo of the tree is interesting. Usually I would make sure not too many other objects are in the frame but actually capturing the whole tree is something that I almost forget sometimes. It's a site to see with the whole tree in bloom and in focus and in the whole frame, though the objects in the background just draw to much attention.