I took this photo at a track meet and I thought the sky looked in the background was pretty. I like that you can see the sky in the sunglasses and you can see a small bit of her eye hidden in the reflection of the sky on the left. I think the sun in the sunglasses looks a bit like a flash which may cause some distraction, but i think it adds good detail to the photo.
The sky in this photo is really nice, but the rest of the back round is a bit busy. If the hair was out of her face a little it would be better.
I think this photo has really good lighting for using flash which sometimes makes pictures washed out. I like the reflection in the glasses and I like the sky behind her. Something I don't like is that there is a lot of other stuff in the background and its kind of distracting
Thank you both, I also thought the background was a bit busy but I liked that the field and light posts were included so I just left it.
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