Sunday, May 13


I took this portrait of Christine Nolan in school. I thought the lighting was great and the shadows in the background and on her face looked cool. I made her flip around her hair a bit to add some volume and character to the image and I think that addition added some good detail to the photo.


james mcgarry said...

This is a pretty good set up for a portrait. the way her hair frames her face and the way the edge frames her har are both really good. I also think you chose a good area to cut off the body. however, the bright light overexposes the white shirt and her face. also, I think that there is not enough color variety in the clothing and background. otherwise, though, it is really good!

Clara said...

I think this is a good portrait. I like the postion of Christine and how there is no negative space. Something I would change is that the side of her nose where the light hits a little over exposed.

Millie Bache said...

Thankyou, I did notice that her shirt was over exposed and I wasn't sure if I should fix it but I thought since her face had darker skin tones and more shadows it drew the attention to her, but I think you're right now that i've seen it clearer and closer.