Sunday, May 13


I took this photo in Spain I was browsing through and came across this one because of the blues. That's why I posted it. I think the blues of the water are very deep and stick out a lot. I also like how there is depth in this photo because I took it looking down from the top of a mountain. I took it on auto using the day light.


Millie Bache said...

I really like this photo, it has great detail below and has a wide range of depth of field. I like how you included the rock at the top it creates the illusion that your experiencing that height when you view this image. Great job.

Jerry chen said...

I really like this photo. this was taking at a really special angle, and you also got great color in your picture. good job

Jimin Chun said...

I like this picture. the sea's movement is great and it has a wide range of depth of field.

JackEgizi said...

thanks everyone. I agree that the movement in the ocean and the way the photo was portrayed was very good. I liked the angle also.