Sunday, May 13

Trevor_Old Stuff

The first thing I want to talk about is the title in which, yes, I didn't really think much of the name of the photo. Though getting to the point of it, the subject I'm trying to portray here is just, well, stuff that is old or antiques. Now really why I was taking this photo was to capture detail of the stains in the box but really they are just for affect. They emphisise the age of the item and as the other objects show around it, this box fits in to it's surroundings. Now the angle was important with this being a rectanglular prism and all, but really the angle was positioned like that just so I could get some of the other old objects in there, to make sure that there is a bunch of old stuff in the shot.


james mcgarry said...

I really like the color and variety in the photo. I think that this is a very cool idea accentuated by the angle that you took it at. I also like how you pull the viewer into the photo by cutting off the edges of the chest. one thing, though: I would have liked to see more of the weather vane (or whatever it was), and I think that there was a little bit of empty space along the left side which clashes with the overall busyness of the photo. overall, though, it is really cool!

Jimin Chun said...

I like the color of the main subject, but I think if the main subject wasn't cut, it will be better picture.