Wednesday, May 16


I took this picture closed to my house. I like this picture about detail of the bird feather and this photo has focus of main subject.


Yulu Liu said...

I really glad to see this picture. It was a nice one, the detail of the bird feather and the focus of main subject is really good.

JackEgizi said...

This is an awesome photo. not only do i think the view from under the birds is cool, but the blue sky is GREAT! I also like the branches sticking out from the side of the photo they add flow.

Jerry chen said...

I really like this picture. this is a great snapshot. the birds are nice in focuse and the sky has a great color. it also has great motion in this photo. I like it a lot.

ben rabinowitz said...

This picture really caught my eye, I love the bright blue sky and the great detail of the birds feathers. This is really a great picture of birds in motion.