Monday, May 14


This is a picture I took at drumlin farm over the weekend. I like the off center bush and the trees in the background. this was taken outdoors at midmorning with no flash.


Nick said...

I like the way the yellow flower is in the foreground. That adds nice color to the photo. Also, i like how the landscape is angled. That adds nice flow to the photo. The only thing i would change is the white flower in the tree on the right that is partially cut off. That is a little distracting.

Clara said...

I like this picture because it has really vibrant colors and the flow of the horizon line is really cool. I like how the tree with the yellow flowers is right on 2 of the third lines

james mcgarry said...

Thanks for the comment, nick! i didn't even notice the flower. nice catch! I'll be sure to watch out for stuff like that in the future.