Sunday, March 23

Sara_ misc

I took both of this photo a couple of weeks ago on an overcast day without flash.  I used my macro setting because i really like the way the wood looked.  I like the angle and the depth of field.  Even though the depth of field is really short, i like how it captured the detail in the wood.  I like the angle because i placed the camera on the edge of the corner and it is unique.  The bottom photo is the original and I cropped it and changed the contrast, sharpness and shadow contrast and created the first photo.  I like the top one better because the color contrast is more interesting and the details are highlighted more.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think you did a really great job with this photo. I agree the wood looks really great with the macro setting, you can really catch the details in it. I also really like the angle you took it from. It gives the photo a lot more depth. The touch ups you did to the photo help the color a lot. it looks a lot brighter and sharper. The top one is much more crisp. You did a nice job with this!