Sunday, March 23

Teddy_Converse Hi-Top Shoes

I took this photo yesterday when I was taking photos for my favorite item advertisement assignment. This was one of the photos I used for my advertisement. I chose to post this photo because I liked how the lighting was in the photo. The lighting was fantastic in this photo all around, what makes this photo really interesting is the light casting from the left side of the photo. I like it how the sunlight is casting from the pavement and onto the shoes it makes it really interesting to the viewer. I also like it how the sunlight made a shadow cast off of the shoes and onto the pavement it gives the photo a really professional photo feel to it. I chose to take this photo in the parking garage of the Natick Mall since I thought if I took the photo of my shoes somewhere else it wouldn't have looked as natural and unique of a photo. I thought by having them on a pavement floor it would make the shoes fit in perfectly for an outdoors category shot. I think it was the best set up for the shoes to be photographed at. I don't think I would have changed anything about this photo because everything seemed fantastic about this photo, the colors, lighting, and the setting are all matched perfectly for this photo which really makes this a really great photo.

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