Sunday, May 18


I took this picture of two palm trees at night when i was in florida this past april vacation. I love this photo in so many ways. I love the shade of blue of the sky in the photo and how it makes the palm trees pop. I also really like how the moon is present and how the two trees are coming out of the corner of the photo. I love the different shades of green in the palms and especially the vividness in the photo. It is rare because it was at night but i luckily had a great camera and borrowed from my dad.


junianny santos said...

Great Job Brendan! This picture is simple but there are so many interesting things to say about it. I agree with you that both trees on the side makes it looks better and the tress make you focus more on the moon which is the key object in the picture. Good Job!

Unknown said...

I like this photo, it has great quality to it. You have a good eye for interesting shots. I love the angle that you took this photo, it shows the full feel of nighttime in this photo. The only thing I would have changed would have been to not have flash taken in the photo, it makes the photo a bit less interesting. Other than that its a great photo, nicely done, great work!