Monday, May 19


This is a picture I took on a sunny afternoon. I genuinely like this picture because of all the dimensions and basically the perspective. The fact that it was shot from the ground makes it original and interesting. I like that there are some type of layers there's the dirt, the grass and the "rest". I also like that 1/3 of the picture on the top is out of focus but it is a very different color and has some sort of "out of focus details". The image is very colorful, and it has a good amount of texture. I really think this is one of my favorites pictures i've taken this year.

1 comment:

Megan Bubello said...

i really like this photo! I love how the grass is in clear, crisp focus and the depth of field is also very good in this photo. The green in the grass really contrasts well with the rest of the photo. However, i believe the background is a little bit distracting. Overall i really love this photo! nice work!!!