Sunday, September 13


This photo was taken in my neighborhood and one of my neighbors garden. I like this photo because the reds and greens are the main colors in the picture. I also like the red petals peppering the foreground with green leaves in both the foreground and green grass in the background. I made some cropping to get rid of the mulch on the bottom of the picture and the truck of the right. I wish I could have gotten rid of the yellow petals. 

Sunday, October 19


This photo was taken during the egg experiment for the chemistry class. I like this photo because of the angle of the camera and how it is a crisp action photo. Another thing I like about this photo is how there is a perfect shadow is in the background of the parachute. 

Monday, May 26

Sara_ Paired Project

I took this photo for the paired project assignment.  my partner and i chose a theme of Island Life.  I like this photo because its colors.  I like how saturated and bright they are.  i also like the depth of field and focus.  I like how you can see the little details in the palms.  Lastly, i really like the flares on the photo because i think it adds some interests and appeal.  The only thing I would change is the overexposure in the top right hand corner

Parker_Misc 4/9 make-up

I am make-up posting for April 9th. The picture I took is a purple flower with white petals on the outside of it. I took a picture of a flower in my garden. I like how the flower in the picture is centered. As well how the purple flower contracts the green leaves. Also how the flower draws your eyes directly into the center of the flower.

Parker_Paired project

I took this picture at Nauset beach. I like how there's nothing obstructing my view of the water. Also how the blue water and sky contrast with the green trees. As well how the light is angled in the picture.


This photo captures the beautiful essence of a small, small dead flower bud. This flower was blossoming most likely during the early spring time. The most interesting aspect of the photo, the amazing quality of the photo itself. The bud is perfect it can't get anymore beautiful. And the surroundings are just impeccable. I like this photo very much.


This is a picture of a pecan pie that we had on thanksgiving last year. I really like this photo in many ways. I really like the three main colors in this photo which is brown from the pecans, beige from the crust of the pie and the deep red of the table cloth. I really like these because it really represents the holiday and the seasonal colors from the leaves. The other thing i really like is the detail in the pecans. i also like how i put the pie off to the side so that you could see some of the cloth. I think i did a good job on this photo.


I chose this from my action assignment because I think this photo really reflects the category of action. I like the action effect with the opponent runner pushing it in the last ten meters to the finish line. I also like the focus of the three runners because most of them are in focus except for the fast action of them sprinting in motion. I think this is a really cool photo I took for my action assignment because it makes this photo very intense to look at as David is striving to beat the Cardinal Spellman track runner to the finish line of the 100 meter dash. I like this photo also because it fits a candid action photo as well. If they were looking I think it wouldn't capture the full effect of action in this photo. I also like how the focus is on David's sneakers because it captures an action effect as well. I like the angle I took this photo because it shows a coach's point of view too. I had to rush quickly to turn my camera on in order to capture this photo in time because it was getting intense in the 100 meter sprint. In the bottom photo I added a focal zoom effect to capture the action of the three runners in competition for 1st 2nd or 3rd place. I like the close distance between David and the Cardinal Spellman runner in almost touching the finish line. I also like the focal effect because it blurs out the non-important things in the background of the track like the grandstands and the fence and part of the lane numbers. I also like the expressions of the runners because it also captures the full effect of action too. It shows their mission and determination and advancement to win the sprint. I also like the stance of the runners when they are pushing for the finish line because it captures the action of this photo. I also like the motion of the runners legs dashing at full speed because it also shows the intense athletic action in this photo. I also think this photo has another candid perspective because my friend Nick is further back running behind the runners closer in this photo, and he also is laughing too as he is advancing towards the finish line. I like the lighting of the runners because it isn't too bright and exposed to make it difficult to see them clearly. If I was going to retake this photo I wish I could change the framing just a little bit because you can some athletic sports bags on the right corner which can be distracting. I also wish the sky wasn't too overexposed because it flushes out some details of the clouds, and it removes some details of the tops of the trees behind the grandstands. I took this photo without flash, I used macro, auto focus adjustments, natural lighting, auto white balance adjustments, and used Picasa to edit the bottom photo with the focal zoom effect to make the runners in motion action more dramatic to the viewer.


I used this photo for my action assignment. I really like the because it's different than something I'd usually shoot. I wish the photo was a little brighter because I feel like the lack of light takes away about from it. I thought it was a very interesting photo.


I took this photo when I was at my track meet on May 20th. I really like the action that was captured in this photo, the motion couldn't have been captured any better. Its a really great example of an action photography shot. The people running in the distance also captures a certain perspective on the action of the 800 meter race in full action. I wish it was in a little bit more focus since its a little bit blurry on the subject of the runner. The only thing I wish I could have changed was to not have the man in the yellow coat on the left and the man with the black shirt and jeans not in the photo because it makes it a bit distracting to the viewer. Other than that it was a really great photo that I took for my action photography assignment.

Sunday, May 25


I took this photo for my paired project, using my camera, without flash, and using the macro setting. I really liked the photo because the sign is at an angle which really makes it more unique. I also loved how the colors in the Hermes sign really popped compared to the rest of the photo. There is great contrast between the beige bricks and the bright teal sign, which I really enjoyed.

Monday, May 19


This is a picture I took on a sunny afternoon. I genuinely like this picture because of all the dimensions and basically the perspective. The fact that it was shot from the ground makes it original and interesting. I like that there are some type of layers there's the dirt, the grass and the "rest". I also like that 1/3 of the picture on the top is out of focus but it is a very different color and has some sort of "out of focus details". The image is very colorful, and it has a good amount of texture. I really think this is one of my favorites pictures i've taken this year.

Sunday, May 18

Sara_ Misc

 I took this photo on a sunny day while i was shooting for the action assignment.  the subjects of the photo are in direct sunlight while i was in the shade.  I like the colors and the contrast in this photo.  I also like the focus and the clarity.  Lastly, i like how it captures the players focusing on the game.  The only thing i would change about this photo is the harsh shadows due to direct sunlight.  


I took this picture of two palm trees at night when i was in florida this past april vacation. I love this photo in so many ways. I love the shade of blue of the sky in the photo and how it makes the palm trees pop. I also really like how the moon is present and how the two trees are coming out of the corner of the photo. I love the different shades of green in the palms and especially the vividness in the photo. It is rare because it was at night but i luckily had a great camera and borrowed from my dad.


The first photo is the original photo and the second photo is the edited photo. I decided to go with black and white because when you get to the middle of the photo it cuts off the path to get outside of the garage and it also questions on how that car all the way in the back left corner got to that spot. The clarity difference from the first to the edited is also very significant.


I took this photo the other day before I was about to go out. I like this photo because the lighting is not to harsh, it has a soft/faded look to it.


I took the first photo using my camera, without flash, and using the macro setting. I really like this photo because I like the flare of light coming from the top left side of it. I also really like how clear clear the photo is and how the pink really pops out. The depth of field is also very nice; some of the flowers are in focus and the rest of the photo is generally out of focus. The light pink color really adds to the photo and makes it very beautiful. I also enjoyed how the light hits the flowers and the leaves. In the second photo, I also took it under the same circumstances listed above. I like that a few buds in that photo are in focus and the rest of the photo is generally out of focus. The blues and whites in the background really make the photo very unique. I like the light pink colors in this photo as well.


I took this picture near wayside inn. The light that day was not too harsh. I like the red of the red of the mill contracts with the rest of the picture and the flow of the white water. Another thing that I like about the picture is the position of everything.