Sunday, March 4


This is a picture of my guitar strings; I like the angle from which this is shot because viewing the picture as a whole, you can't quite tell what it is.


Nick said...

This is a really good photo! I like how you can see the detail in the guitar's neck. Also, I like how the strings go diagonally across the photo. It adds a lot of movement. I also like how the photo goes from blurry in the top left, to crisp focus towards the bottom right.

Jules said...

I really like the flow of this photo. The contrast of the strings and the back of the guitar are awesome too! I like how the strings have good high lights on them, it really adds to the photo.

JackEgizi said...

I love this. the flow of the guitar and the strings is so cool, it made me look twice at the photo. Maybe if you got some of the actual guitar in it, we would know what it is better, but i think its a really good photo.

Jimin Chun said...

I really like this photo about the nice light and clean detail of the photo. The camera angle is nice. I really like this photo

Millie Bache said...

Thankyou I liked that too. Now that you mention it though I should have included a part of the guitar as well. I wish I had thought to do that then.