Sunday, March 4

Warzewska_Chosen One

I took this photo of my dog outside this morning. Even though there is a lot of negative space, I think it adds to the photo because your attention is drawn to the right side. I also like the flow from the hands to the head of my dog. If I could change something I might have cropped out more negative space. (Taken on 1/320 sec. exposure, ISO 200, no flash)


Jules said...

I like the contrast of this photo it really adds to it. Also the dog and the hands of the person are in great focus and have good detail. I think if the dog was looking down a little so you could see the other eye better it would make the photo better. But great job!

Tianli Wang said...

This is really a good picture. The picture is in focus, and I like the high contrast of the picture, it made the dog stand out. The problem about the picture is the sky is overexposed, and dark part of the dog is underexposed, the picture may become better if you take a cucoloris of your dog.
ps: I like the way you can see the dog's eyes, but there is no high light in the eyes.

JackEgizi said...

I like how plain the background of this photo is white and plain it shows you the main subject. I think that maybe if you took this at a different angle and showed the dogs face and not as much hands, (they take away from the dog, on my opinion the photo would be a little bit better.

Emelia said...

I agree with you that the sky is over exposed, and that I should have included less negative space. I also think that I should have changed my angle so more of the dog's eyes could have been shown. Thank you!