Sunday, March 4


This is a picture I took of some skittles coming out of a bag and onto my dining room table. I thought it would be fun to play around with them and make the trail come out of the bag as a curve. I took this without flash and indoors.


Jimin Chun said...

this is good picture, because all the skittles are clear and good focus. the colors have good combination, also the camera angle focus the main subject

Ricky Xiang said...

I really like the idea of this photo, the M&M created a circle which gives the photo a flow, the focus of main subject is sharp, and also the color of this photo is wonderful as well.

james mcgarry said...

The color here is really good, and the way the bottom edges of the skittle trail is cut off adds an almost disorienting depth. I think it would be better if it were in sharper focus, though, which could probably be accomplished by adding a little more light.