Sunday, March 4


This is my pet,cattie. I took this one in my dinning room without flash. There has a little bit light.i love this one because the cattie's eyes, it's really pretty.


Isabella said...

This is a really cute picture of your cat but it is a little dark and the pillow behind her takes the attention away from the cat. I like the angle, though.

Tianli Wang said...

It is a great picture from a general point of view, the highlight in the cat's eye is bright spot of the picture, it add the quality of the picture, and the dark background make the cat highlighted. The problem of the picture is you use high ISO, I can see a lot of digital noise, it make your picture lose a lot of detail, especially in the dark part of the picure, I think it could be better if you use your flash light. And I think the focus is soft in the picture.