Sunday, March 11

Chen_ sail a boat on the land

I took this picture In Boston long time ago. I really like this picture because it is not someting that people can usually see everyday. It is amazing that this man ride this thing on the street. Im glad that I catched that nice in focuse. info: NIKON D90 [70-300mm F4.5-5.6] F5.0 1/200s ISO500 -0.7EV


Tianli Wang said...

I think it is a great photo. This picture is really interesting, do you know what is the man doing? The color is very good in this picture, and the person in the picture is in clear focus. It add the quality of the photo. The lighting of the picture is also nice. At last, a overcritical criticze, I think the photo could be better if the focal point is on the person's face, although I know it is really hard for you to do when you take a snap shoot.

Elizabeth Austin said...

This is something you don't see everyday. Good Job getting the man in focus even though he was moving. Capturing something this bizarre in an ordinary setting is a good piece of art. The quality is very good.