Sunday, March 11

snow tracks- Jules

I took this picture on my front steps. I liked how the snow had melted on the edges of the step. I like how the footprints are coming towards the bottom, like it makes it feel like they are coming towards you. I also like the contrast of the dark steps against the white snow. This was taken on the macro setting no flash.


james mcgarry said...

This is a very interesting photo. the way the photo is cropped makes the focus of the picture very clear while still making the photo interesting. I think that the second-to-bottom footprint is a little faded, though. it might be fixable by casting a light over it from the side, which would bring out the shadow of the imprint.

Jules said...

Yeah I agree I didn't have much light to work with since it was late in the day but I could have tried the flash to add more light.