Sunday, March 30


I also took this picture in the anime show.I really like this picture,i think this 3 guys are really cool,the mask,the post.Beause i face to light when i took this picture so i use the AF_L button to took this picture.Because it can make this picture get more light,and you can see it from the light at the background,it's over expose.


Unknown said...

I really like this photo for multiple reasons. I like how candid the shot is. i think the subject matter is really interesting and different. I also like how in focus the subject is. Lastly, i really enjoy how unexpected this is. There are normal people in the background with what seems no affect taken by the characters. I think this photo is very unique and interesting. The only thing I would change about this photo is i would crop it to eliminate so negative space and i would have tried to get his feet in the shot. Overall really good job!

Unknown said...

i really like how this photo focuses on the guy in the middle that's paying attention but you can still capture the candid people around him that really show you wants going on in the picture. I think this picture has a creepy vibe to it, which i like. good job!