Sunday, March 30


This is a photo I took for my "Ads" project (I used the top one and the bottom one is the original photo). I editted the photo by cutting and making it darker, so that the black bookshelf and the light signets can stand out well. I like it be horizontal, because if the photo is vertical it would focus on the whole rather than the signets.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like the first photo. I think it was smart that you zoomed into the photo and blacked the back of the bookshelf. I like how the signs moving from left to right become blurry. The font size and style really stick out to me also. The shadow on some of the blocks looks really cool. The most interesting part of the photo to me is the different sizes of the blocks. I also like the way the blocks are resting on the wall. Some are horizontal and some are vertical. I don't see or can't think of anything that would make this photo any better.