Sunday, March 30

Teddy_Light Cover

I took this photo today in my bedroom. I chose to take a photo of my ceiling light cover because I thought with choosing this as a miscellaneous photo it would be interesting. I like it how in the non edited photo the corners of the photo are darkened whereas the center of the photo is not darkened. I like it how the yellowish color from the light bulb casted onto the ceiling creating an interesting feel for the viewer's perspective of the photo. I thought if I posted another version of the same photo by editing it would make it look far more interesting. I made a copy of the original version and edited it on a macintosh application called iPhoto and made the photo in sepia mode. Then I blurred the edges of the photo to only have the center of the photo be only lit. Next I used the fade effect which made the photo have a grayish-blue color for the photo tint. I liked it how the blurred edges made the inside of the photo circular and leaving the outside of the photo dark.The edited version isn't as distracting for the viewer as the original because of the ceiling's wavy lines on the ceiling which makes it more of an interesting photo. I think by making an edited version it makes the photo have a more grasping feel to the viewer which makes it a really interesting photo.

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