Sunday, March 30


I took the bottom photo along with some previous posts for my Advertisement Campaign project.  I took it on a cloudy winter day with natural lighting and no flash.  I did not like the bottom photo very much so I tried to alter it and change it is photoshop to see what i could do with it.  I cropped and rotated the original to focus more upon the subject of the photo.  I also saturated, sharpened and changed the definition and highlight levels of the photo.  I really like they way that the top photo came out because i think it has a more interesting angle and brighter colors.  it was such a dark and dull day that i shot the photos so i changed certain features to make the photo brighter and more appealing.  Lastly, i like how the top photo highlights the short depth of field is because the front of the ring is so sharp and in focus while the back is out of focus and blurry.

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