Sunday, March 18

Bache_Sheet of Paper

I took this photo after school in Mr. Gilligan's room. I liked how this picture created somewhat of an illusion, the way the lines appeared to curve and the width between the lines appeared to get wider.


Emelia said...

I love this photo! The depth of feel is just enough to add to the illusion of the spiral. I also like how you took the photo at a bird's eye view so you can see all of the paper. I would have cropped the photo into a square so the spiral would be framed but otherwise it's a great photo!

Jerry chen said...

I like the idea of this picture. the view in this picture is very special and the object is very interesting. the thing I will change is swich to a smaller aperture so you can get a bigger depth of field, and you will get more detils in this picture.

Elizabeth Austin said...

This is a great picture. the flow of the paper is great. The backsround adds to the picture becasue its not plain but its not sidractingly busy either.

Millie Bache said...

Thank you very much and that is a good idea Emelia I think I will do that. As for Jerry i don't know how to do that I will look into it though thank you for your input.