Sunday, March 18

Warzewska_Red Spoon

I took this photo a couple of days ago on my phone, indoors with natural lighting. I really like the contrast between the red spoon and the white cup. I also like how the spoon is crisp and in focus, while the cup is slightly out of focus. I think that the background blends in too much with the cup and that it is a little bit overexposed.


Clara said...

I really like the flow of this picture and that the red spoon really stands out and is the main focus. I agree that the background kind of blends but its not too bad. Also I like how you can see a bit of reflection in the bottom of the cup. This is a really good photo!

Emelia said...

Thank you Clara! I agree with you that the red spoon really stands out and that the background kind of blends in. I'll watch out for that next time, thanks!